West Coast and South Island stock currently available.

Contact me on 027 247 6754 to discuss specific listings or your requirements.


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Ref No: P - RF
Tally: 52
Type: Service Bulls 2-yr
Breed: Stabilizer-Dairy cross
Description:  A nice unit of beef cross bulls ideal for herd servicing. BVD blooded and fully vaccinated. This line has been drafted from a line of 80, to identify 1 unit of the top end. Good buying at $1850 + GST, delivery any time between mid-October and mid-November. Heads are all clean, mostly fully polled, a few trimmed. Temperament very good. The lucky buyer will get his monies worth. Genuine enquiries only (plenty of other good bull varieties available for 2024 season)

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Ref No:  P - DM
Tally: 100
Type: In-calf heifers
Breed:  Jersey
Description: Genuine Jersey in-calf heifers for 1st May 2025 delivery. Located in Canterbury. Full capital line, all G3 with BW average of 389. 50 years of breeding. Very nice heifers, anyone looking for Jerseys will take these. $1800


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Ref No:  P -CP ***SOLD***
Type:  In-calf heifers
Breed: Cross-bred
Description: Capital stock. BW 269 PW 272. Very well grown, mated to bulls from 27th October to 1st January. TB free, located on West Coast. Fully recorded, CRV bloodlines. $1600 for 1st May delivery


Ref No: P - GS ***SOLD***
Tally: 84
Type: In-calf heifers
Breed:  Jersey
Description: Nice line of in-calf Jersey heifers just listed - Located West Coast of South Island. Full capital stock line. LIC bred/recorded . 10 years A2 breeding and G3 a family herd of 50+ years). Mated 25th October to 1st January to hybrd sire bulls. If you are interested please contact me to discuss. $1550 1st May delivery


Ref No:  P - LE ***SOLD***
Tally: 550
Type: Herd
Breed:  Jersey
Description: Predominantly Jersey herd being milked twice-a-day. Has more than 10 years of A2 breeding. Has been a family herd for 50+ years. SCC are low and usually under 100. C10 TB status. Milk solids range from 370 to 400 in a high rainfall area. Mated this season for 4 weeks from 25th October then run with bulls until 1st January 2024. Herd BW 233 PW 222 93% recorded ancestry (please note further G3 confirmation of DNA will improve figures once completed) Exceptional type of cow. $1825


Ref No:  P - WS ** SOLD**
Tally: 50 from 166
Type: Heifers
Breed:  Mostly Friesian
Description: Capital stock, BW split. BW 249 PW 267 RA 96%. Mated to Jersey bulls 27th October 2023 to 1st January 2024. Very well grown, long history of breeding. $1650 1st May delivery


Ref No: P - DM ** SOLD **
Tally: 40
Type: In-calf heifers
Breed:  Friesian
Description: Breeds not LIC. Lower indexed and partially recorded. These animals have been bred for size. Mated to Murray Grey and Angus/dairy bulls from 1st November. Meat weights will be competing against the live sales, very healthy and well grown. Situated in Canterbury $1650 for 1st May


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Ref No: 
Type: Heifer calves
Breed:  Various breeds
Description: We have available various lines of heifer calves for sale, phone me to discuss.


We have fresh hay and baleage available for sale. Available in unit loads. All priced realistically. Give me call to discuss.